Uncle Elmer is courtesy of Team & Trail. Permission to reprint for the Junior Musher's Home Page on the World Wide Web granted by the publishers, TEAM & TRAIL.
From the original statement made in the May, 1967 edition of Team & Trail, The Musher's Monthly News:
Uncle Elmer introduces himself as someone who has spent a lot of time looking at dogs, drivers and equipment. He prefers to stay anonymous so nobody can fight - they can only fool around with ideas and either agree or disagree. Where breeds of dogs go, he says. "I've got every kind of dog you ever saw and then a few, and you can't tell me anything about them I can't argue with what you say about yours!"
Copyright 1981 by Team & Trail Publishers & Printers Center Harbor, New Hampshire 03226
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieve system without permission in writing from the publishers.