Obedience Competition Mailing List
The Obedience Competition Mailing List
To subscribe to the obedience competition mailing list, send mail to
This is not an automated subsciption system, but a group of individuals that you
must submit an application to join the list. See the welcome message below for
additional information. I am not a member of this mailing
list, so this is all of the information I have about it.
"Canine Obedience Competition Discussion List"
Obed-comp attempts to provide substantive information about the complex world
of competitive obedience with as high a signal-to-noise ratio as possible.
Membership in obed-comp is a privilege, not a right. We don't have a lot of
rules, but it's important that you follow the ones that we *do* have. You
will be required to send an electronic statement to the list administrator
indicating that you have read and understood this document. Noncompliance
with these guidelines will necessarily result in expulsion from the list.
While this approach may seem a little hard-nosed, bear in mind that we have a
waiting list of eager potential subscribers. An arbitration board has been
set up to help make sure that the obed-comp community functions smoothly;
everyone will be expected at some point to take a turn serving on the board.
Obed-comp is a discussion list of issues relating to competitive obedience.
Discussions of all methods and philosophies of training are welcomes, as long
as they relate to competitive obedience. For the purposes of this list,
"competitive obedience" will be defined as any training with the primary goal
of preparing a dog for formal competition in the obedience ring. This list
is NOT limited to AKC obedience, although discussions of AKC obedience may
tend to dominate. Discussions of all levels of competitive training (from
Novice to OTCH and beyond) are welcome. There is no such thing as a dumb
question on this list.
Subscribers are expected to actively participate in OBED-COMP. We expect
everyone to either ask or answer at least one question every couple of
months as a minimum. There is a long waiting list for this group and
lurkers will be issued a warning to participate. Those who continue to
lurk will be removed.
Recall that membership on OBED-COMP is a privilege. In order to remain in
on good terms with the list administrator and all other subscribers, the
following rules need to be followed:
1. You will not retransmit any posts from obed-comp without the explicit
permission of the original poster. Similarly, you may not reflect or remail
the digests from this list to other sites without the explicit permission
from each of the posters AND the list administrator. Here's some of the
reasoning behind all this:
The reepicheep lists are administered by individuals who volunteer their
time and equipment, and they are housed on a machine located at the
University of Oklahoma. They exist only because this institution and
these individuals remain willing to continue volunteering their services,
time, and equipment to keep these lists running.
If any use of the lists or of list materials threatens to place at legal
or financial risk the University of Oklahoma, the reepicheep system
administrator, or any of the listowners or other volunteers, or if we have
to spend our own time or money for legal advice or defense, or even if
subscriber activity causes us excessive amounts of stress and hassle over
liability, slander, copyright or other such complaints, these lists can and
will be shut down entirely. This is true regardless of whether there exists
some technical abstract legal right to which a person can find recourse to
justify his or her actions.
These lists are here because of the good will of real people willing to
volunteer their time and energy, not because of any abstract Constitutional
principles. If that willingness to volunteer is destroyed by individuals
who are not willing to be good list-citizens, so will be the lists.
2. You shall not flame each other. Please understand that a "flame" is not a
critical remark about someone's ideas; a "flame" is a personal and gratuitous
statement with no logical connection to the argument on hand. So, "I think
that your use of the Koehler method shows what a poorly-thought-out method it
is" would be ok; "only stupid, ugly people like you would even think of using
Koehler" isn't. Use your judgment and be civilized. Flames won't be
3. You shouldn't bicker about animal rights, the ethics of maintaining pets,
generalized environmental cases not directly bearing on a canine population,
pros and cons of vegetarianism, hunting, logging or any similarly tangential
topics. Discussions of the merits of PETA and similar organizations are not
welcome on obed-comp. Recall, this is, first and foremost, a place for
people who train dogs. Any kind of dogs.
4. You shouldn't post anything blatantly commercial, and you can't plug your
own books, videos, and seminars. Notices of upcoming matches, seminars, and
trials are welcome on obed-announce but NOT on obed-comp.
5. You better not talk about general pet training, such as lead-breaking a
dog, housebreaking, chewing, digging, jumping, or basic health issues.
These topics are better suited for individual breed lists, canine-l, or one
of the rec.pets.dogs lists.
6. You will not yack and chatter excessively. This list is for training
issues, and training issues only. Messages which are sent to obed-comp are
transmitted to everyone in the group--and that's an awful lot of people!
Personal messages such as "Hi, Katie; it's good to see your words again!"
should NOT be sent to the list. In general, if your reply wouldn't interest
anyone except the person to whom you're replying, send it privately.
Similarly, comments directed at a particular person (e.g., "Right on, Rhoda.
Good point," or "Thanks for the info," or "What a horrendous experience that
must have been. I don't know why people do such things," or "Hi, Jane,
I'm glad to see you've joined the list. Write to me," etc.) should be sent
PRIVATELY, NOT to OBED-COMP. Also, short general statements of approval or
disapproval (e.g., "Hooray! I'm glad someone finally said that!" or "I
can't imagine how anyone can believe such nonsense") should NOT be sent to
7. You will not forward to this list any "urgent messages" or "dire warnings"
about alleged "computer viruses" or about allegedly impending government
legislation which will allegedly tax, censor, eavesdrop on, curtail, or
otherwise allegedly affect Internet communication. Many such messages carry
urgent requests to "distribute as widely as possible" and most look quite
alarming and tend to be quite lengthy. Almost ALL turn out to be hoaxes.
If you receive such a message and are concerned about it, please forward it
to the listowner ONLY, who will verify it and make a decision about whether
the subscribers to this list need to be notified on this particular forum.
Etiquette is how you should behave in the real world; netiquette is how you
should behave in the virtual one. The following aren't rules, but they'll
help make everyone in the electronic universe just a little bit happier.
Here are some guidelines:
* For those coming from the old obed-l: remember that all reepicheep lists
now have responses automatically redirected back TO THE LIST, not to the
individual who posted the question or comment to which you are responding.
So if you wish to respond privately, you should type in the person's
individual address now, rather than using your "reply" function. Your
"reply" function will now always send your reply to all subscribers to
* DO send replies to the whole list when they contain information or tips
or even opinions from which all might benefit!
* But be VERY CAREFUL not to inadvertently send personal messages intended
for a single individual to the whole list.
* Do include your "call name" and your e-mail address at the bottom of your
posts, in case someone does wish to respond privately to your remarks.
Do this even if your software automatically puts this info in a "header"
because some other people's software automatically strips off headers, so
they don't see your name and e-mail address at the top.
* Try to keep your signature files brief; several lines long would be fine,
to include just the more relevant points in a few lines, especially if you
post frequently.
* Try to use informative subject lines in your posts.
* If you are replying to a previous post, don't include the full text of the
original letter. Include only pertinent information, or summarize.
On the other extreme, please don't reply to a previous post without *at
least* briefly summarizing the original question or discussion.
* Think carefully about what you are posting, since you never know who
might be reading your public posting. Negative comments about anyone
(e.g., judges) mentioned by name should not be posted publicly. Recall
the AKC does not approve of critical comments directed at their judges.
Anyone who is publicly criticized might be reading or a friend of the
person might be reading and could relay your comments to this person.
Depending on the circumstances, public criticism of a person could
potentially cause anything from a nasty response from other members to a
libel suit. Do you really want to be a test case for an electronic-print
law suit?
* Seminars, training methods, books, and anything else that is geared toward
topics on this list are encouraged to be reviewed. If you have negative
feedback, please keep the comments based on the methods, ideas, etc and not
on the author or person responsible for the product. E.g., Don't say that
Janice Brown is an abusive trainer. You can disagree with the techniques or
ideas, but personal attacks are not welcome.
* If you are making a strong statement that is your opinion, you might want
to add IMO (in my opinion) or IMHO (In my honest/humble opinion) to the
* PLEASE let the listowner know if you intend to mention a reepicheep list
in a published article in a club newsletter or other publication. The
reason is because such "mentions" frequently lead to a large increase in
the number of subscription requests (which will make more work for the
listowner), especially if the publication where the "mention" appears is
widely distributed. Since all lists have a maximum of 400 subscribers,
and most are by application only, it will help us deal with administrative
workload better if we know in advance when to expect a large influx of
subscription requests.
Canine Obedience Announcements
A list devoted to obedience announcements, seminars, trials, etc. is also
run from reepicheep. One can join this list by Emailing to:
with the command
where you insert your real full name (NOT your email address).
Canine topics in general
Several Usenet Newsgroup, rec.pets.dogs.*, are available at any of the
thousands of sites worldwide which have access to Usenet News.
Information about how to subscribe will depend on specific features
of your particular computer installation. Check with your system
personnel for information about subscribing to Usenet Newsgroups.
Individual breed lists and many other canine-related lists are housed on
various machines all over the world. The best up-to-date summary of these
is maintained by Cindy Tittle Moore and publicly accessible.
The list of all canine lists (including breed lists) can be accessed as
ftp rtfm.mit.edu, file pub/usenet/news.answers/dogs-faq/email-lists
email to mail-server@rtfm.mit.edu, no/any subject line and in the body:
send usenet/news.answers/dogs-faq/email-lists
The second option may take several hours to get a reply. I tried both of
these and they do work.
Before sending a post, make sure that you are using the correct address.
There are three addresses associated with the OBED-COMP list.
1. listserver@reepicheep.gcn.uoknor.edu
This address should be used to handle subscriptions (getting on and leaving
the list) and will automatically process well known list parameters sent to
it. Don't send questions that you expect a person to read to the listserver
address. This is simply a piece of software and software doesn't understand
anything other than a few commands and coughs up an error message (not always
clarifying the situation). Do NOT include a "signature" at the end of email
to listserver. Listserver will send you back an error message about your
"illegal command" (the signature) and it will cause extra work for the list
administrator. If you get hung up with a command, send a single line
containing the word HELP to listserver. Specific listserver commands will be
described in the next section of this file.
2. obed-comp@reepicheep.gcn.uoknor.edu
This address should be used to send letters that you want distributed to
all readers of the list. Don't use this address to request to be removed
from the list. Use the listserver address when you want to change list
options or when you want to be removed from the list.
3. obedreq@reepicheep.gcn.uoknor.edu
This address is Mike Richman's personal mailbox. You can submit any
questions or problems that you need addressed by Mike (the list
administrator) personally. Just don't expect the immediate turnaround
that listserver can supply (if you understand how to use it).
4. arbitration@reepicheep.gcn.uoknor.edu
This is the alias for the arbitration committee. If you have a gripe about
list policy you would like answered, or would like clarification of a policy,
use this address. If you feel that someone is flaming you or stifling you,
email your complaint to this address. It might take a day or two for the
members to all confer on your question and get back to you.
1. How do I APPLY TO AND SUBSCRIBE to obed-comp?
To apply for a subscription to OBED-COMP, you will need to do the following:
o Send email to
with a paragraph explaining why you would like to be a member of this group
and how much you could contribute. We encourage and accept trainers from all
levels, so don't let that deter you. If you have trained dogs competitively
in the past, mention that too.
o You will be notified (generally within a week) if you are accepted to
+If you are not accepted, you may re-apply after 90 days. We also
have a waiting list. If you want to be on that, please email your
name and email address in a note to:
Set the "subject" line to "OBED-COMP WAITING LIST".
+If you are accepted, you may SUBSCRIBE by sending Email to:
with the command
where you insert you real full name for "Your Name" above. You will
then receive a note from listserver which says
"Subscription requests are not automatic for this list. Your request has
been forwarded to obedreq@reepicheep.gcn.uoknor.edu for approval."
Your name will be checked against a list to verify acceptance and
then a new copy of the welcome file will be sent to you. At that
stage, please post an introduction (an easy way to fill your first
posting quota!). See point 4. below for instructions.
2. How do I UNSUBSCRIBE from obed-comp permanently? (You'll be s-o-r-r-r-y!)
To leave OBED-COMP proceed as follows:
Send E-mail to:
with a blank subject line and the following command as the
first (and only) line of the message body:
signoff obed-comp
unsub obed-comp
*** Note there is no name used in this command since listserver KNOWS who
you are from your email address.
3. Listserver tells me that I must CHANGE MY PASSWORD -- is that necessary?
In a word -- NO. Listserver is very secure with the default password of
"WELCOME". However, if you still want to change your password, the set
password command syntax is:
fill in the variables inside the < >, but leave the brackets off.
For example, suppose I want to change my password on the list OBED-COMP
from the default of WELCOME to OTCHBOY. I would send email to
with the command
4. Well, just how do I POST, anyway?
To send, or "post", a message on OBED-COMP so that it will be seen by all
subscribers, proceed thusly:
Once subscribed, send OBED-COMP postings as E-mail to:
just as you would if you were sending E-mail to another person. You will
not normally receive any confirmation from the list that your posting has
been received, but you will a copy of your own postings as the default
setting on your subscription is "ACK" (read on...).
Listserver will automatically capture your email address from the incoming
email. For 99% of you that will be perfect and you can ignore the following
command. If you must change your mail address, read the following VERY
To change your email address, you might try the SET ADDRESS command.
Send to listserver the command syntax:
fill in the variables inside the < > but leave off the < >.
For example, say my password is set to the default of WELCOME and I would
like to set my OBED-COMP address FROM
mike@silly.pudunk.edu TO mike@podunk.edu
I'd send listserver the command
Note: You do NOT put your old email address in the command. Listserver will
capture that off of your email header From field. If that old address is
not the same as you subscribed from, listserver will not accept your command.
In that case, contact me at: obedreq@reepicheep.gcn.uoknor.edu
Note: Do not put your login name or any other invalid internet address in the
address field. Doing this cripples listserver and you will find yourself in
very hot water with the list administrator.
6. Setting your account to SEE YOUR POSTS or not to see your posts
As stated above, when your subscribe, your email is set to return a copy of
your post back to you. This is useful as a visual check that your email is
making it to the list. If you do not want to see you own posts, you can send
email to
with the command:
7. How do I POSTPONE my mail while I'm off gallivanting at obedience trials
or (gasp) on a vacation:
>From time to time you may find it convenient to halt the flow of incoming
OBED-COMP list mail without giving up your subscription to the list. This
may be due to a sudden surge in workload allowing little time to read list
mail, vacation, sabbatical, or a number of other reasons. One significant
advantage of this method over simply signing off the list is that, while
you will receive no incoming list mail when this option is in effect, you
preserve your privilege of posting to the list. However, people "postponing"
for extended periods (> 60 days) will be removed as the policy of non-posting
will be invoked. If you will be gone for an extended period and have a valid
reason to remain on the list, make PRIOR arrangements with the list
To halt the flow of incoming OBED-COMP E-mail:
with a blank subject line and the following command as the first (and only)
line of the message body:
set obed-comp mail postpone
To restore incoming OBED-COMP mail service, repeat the above procedure
but send the command:
set obed-comp mail ack
set obed-comp mail noack
The first option gives a mail acknowledgement upon receipt of your message.
The second option skips the receipt acknowledgement.
8. I'm drowning. How do I REDUCE THE AMOUNT OF MAIL?
You can choose to receive archives of every 2500 lines or 12 hours from
OBED-COMP containing all the individual postings made that day. This will
be sent to you in a digest format. Selecting this option automatically sets
listserver for your OBED-COMP subscription, so you will not receive any
other list mail except the daily digest(s). You will still be able to post
to OBED-COMP in the normal fashion, just as if you were receiving the
postings as individual, in-coming E-mail. There will, of course, be an
increased time lag between the submission of a posting by a OBED-COMP
subscriber and the time you receive it in digest form.
To select the digest option for OBED-COMP, send E-mail to:
with a blank subject line and the following command as the
first (and only) line of the message body:
set obed-comp mail digest
To deactivate this option and once again receive each individual
OBED-COMP posting as a separate, individual piece of incoming E-mail,
proceed as above but send the command:
set obed-comp mail ack
set obed-comp mail noack
Note that setting 'mail ack' or 'mail noack' reverts your subscription
to near real time mail. If you wish to suspend list mailings to yourself,
you must still send the explicit command: 'set obed-comp mail postpone'
as outlined above.
9. Oops...My MAIL HAS STOPPED coming. Can I check my account status?
Yes! Suppose your list mail suddenly stops. You can check to see if your
account has been postponed or any other list parameters by sending Email to:
with the command
The listserver will send you back the following information
Current settings are:
ADDRESS = Your current email address
MAIL = Your current mail setting (e.g., ACK, NOACK, DIGEST, POSTPONE)
PASSWORD = Your current password
If your email has unexpectedly stopped and you note that ACK is set to
POSTPONE, mail to listserver
to restart your mail.
10. Well, just who's hearing me, anyway?
If you want to locate the e-mail address for another OBED-COMP subscriber,
Send E-mail to:
with a blank subject line and the following command as the
first (and only) line of the message body:
review obed-comp
The listserver will return a full roster of subscriber names along with
their addresses. ONLY listmembers may access this information now.
----> One note of caution - the addresses that are returned to you by the
listserver are in uppercase characters. If a private letter is returned
because the address/user is unknown, then try resending the letter with
lowercase letters specified for the address. If you continue to have
problems, ask your postmaster or system administrator of your system. If
you still have questions, e-mail them to obedreq.
11. Suppose I miss one or more mailings - can I get archives?
Certainly. Users are now enabled to get their own archives. In other words,
if you miss a post, or a digest, or you are a new subscriber and would like
to read the old threads from the past 6 months, you can retrieve old archived
digests. These are stored by year and month.
Here's how to do this. Email to:
with the command syntax of:
get listserver
leave off the < > and fill in the archive name syntax
This is a little complicated, as the archive name syntax is:
Here is an example of how to retrieve the archived digest for OBED-COMP
for May, 1995
get listserver obed-comp.1995-05
ONLY the past 6 months worth of archives will be kept on line and available
for users to retrieve. This is due to disk space limitations. These
archives get quite large and listserver will automatically split them into
several files which will be Emailed to you.
12. How can I get further help?
If you send the command HELP to ANY listserver, either as E-mail or an
interactive message, you will receive a brief summary of other listserver
commands that may be useful. Any other requests or questions should be
directed to 'obedreq@reepicheep.gcn.uoknor.edu'.
Send all commands to listserver@reepicheep.gcn.uoknor.edu; the subject line
is irrelevant
unsubscribe: signoff obed-comp or unsub obed-comp
postpone mail: set obed-comp mail postpone
resume mail: set obed-comp mail ack
receive digest: set obed-comp mail digest
review the list of subscribers: review obed-comp
check listserver settings: set obed-comp
This welcome file was the culmination of much hard work by the "welcome"
committee. Thanks should be extended to Barbara Bicksler, Ruth Ginzberg,
Cathy Hines, Janet Lewis, Nancy Little, Peggy Madsen, Heather Nadelman and
Peggy Vaughan.
Mike Richman
OBED-COMP list administrator
VERY IMPORTANT: If you have read this whole file and can agree to abide by
the rules and understand the basics of how the listserver works, email to
with the Subject line of "I UNDERSTAND THE WELCOME FILE" and type your real
name and your email address in the body of that message.